Saturday 21 May 2011

Show reel

Also for this project we have to produce a show reel along side our other pieces of work.

After looking back through my previous work I felt like it wasn't good enough to put into a show reel. So I decided to redo certain pieces so that I could see how I've improved over the years.

I decided that I was definitely going to redo my walk cycle and then decided I wanted to do another lip sync piece seeing as I really enjoyed lip syncing this first time. I am going to keep and use my modelled character seeing as she was the first one I ever modelled and she turned out a lot better than I had anticipated.

I will need to see if I can get a hold of some of the work I did with my group for Digital Environments and Post Production seeing as I don't have the completed files so I can add these to my show reel aswell.

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