Wednesday 18 May 2011

E4 Estings

We decided to use E4 as out external client. We are going to enter the 2011 competition which ends on July 1st. We need to do a 10 second indent for the competition using any of the music they provide and incorporating the E4 logo. We don't have to use the music they provide but to avoid copyright laws and a long process of getting permission to use certain music it will be easier to use the tracks they provided.

We had to make sure we stick to the terms and conditions

It can be live action, it can be animated, it can be 2D, 3D, 4D. It can be hi-fi, lo-fi, big-budget or no-budget. Simply download the E4 logo and a soundbed of your choice and get going. The only rules we are cruelly forcing upon you are thusly –

(a) We can't show anything explicit or violent in the daytime, but we might be able to after the watershed as long as it’s broadcastable. So - within reason - your idea can be quite naughty / irreverent / provocative etc. Use your common sense though, anything too grim or sexually explicit won't get shown at all.

(b) It HAS to be EXACTLY 10 seconds long. If it’s not 10 seconds long IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE JUDGES. Sorry, but we’re feeling a bit strict this year. To make things easier we’re providing you with a choice of 10 second audio beds which you are welcome to use in your E Sting (but feel free to use something of your own if you prefer!)

(c) It HAS to have the E4 logo in it... But you probably knew that. (Preferably integratedinto the idea rather than simply slapped on top of your piece at the end)

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