Friday 20 May 2011

Initial Ideas

After looking through previous entries we got a few idea as to what our entry could contain.

One of our ideas involved a boy getting to the moon and trying to reach it in silly ways such as jumping or putting a ladder up to it, we liked the idea but we didn't really develop it very far because we only had 10 seconds for our entry and the moon one seemed like it would have needed more.

Another idea was to use monsters in some way, we liked the idea but quite a few previous entries had done the same and we thought it might be best to do something different.

We finally settled on a cinema screening of E4 in 3D. At first we were going to do it entirely in flash, but we then decided against it as not all of us had very much training in it, especially me, while I did look at tutorials there wasn't enough time for me to learn everything I needed with what little time we had left. So we decided to incorporate 3D into it to help.

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