Wednesday 15 June 2011

E4 Estings Final Film

This was the final outcome for the E4 esting competition. We came across a lot of problems when we started making this. We originally wanted it to be entirely animated in flash. But we thought we should play to our strengths to save time and incorporate 3D into our ident .

We had planned for it to have flash but Oly had trouble exporting from flash so instead had to put the image sequence into After Effects.

We didn't plan out or timing very well as we kept exceeding the 10 second mark. We had to speed stuff up and cut stuff from the final film. I did the final scene in our E4 video, we didn't really have time to animate much due to the time constraints of the competition, we didn't realise how slow 10 seconds was. When I was drawing the final scene, with the E4 falling onto the audience, we thought it best to remove the people and make the blood a purple pink colour so not to make it too morbid.

Overall I am a little disappointed with our final piece. I liked the idea we just needed to refine it. The film itself is poorly cut and I think we needed more animated scenes such as when the audience is watching the cinema screen we should have had flicking lights rather than a static image, and for the final image we should have had the E4 fall onto the audience and chairs with the E4 moving and the blood splatter to come over it last. But due to time constraints and bad planning on our part we didn't have the time.

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